
Doja cat, also known as Amala as she's known in the United States, is a record producer and a singer. Her music is a mix of electronic R&B as well as hip-hop and R&B. She had an interest in working in the music industry as early as a child and she released her debut EP entitled"Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. At the age of 18 she debuted her debut EP, Purrr! No Police Mooo, Roll with Us, and No Police Mooo were among her singles released in response to positive feedback. There were a number of singles released like Roll with Us. Doja means "weed" in Arabic. means "weed", and cat lover Doja can be her stage title. She is a talented singer/songwriter and is a descendant of a line of artists. Her mother paints as is her father, an actor with a reputable name as well as film producer. Doja is one of America's top young performers. Doja is well-equipped with an incredible voice and she also has extraordinary musical talents. She will be able to establish a strong reputation in the music industry. She is an inspirational performer for children in the music industry.

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